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Carp Classified

Nash Scope Black Ops set up with Castizm 25qda and ...


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Location: Leicester

Contact member directly on 07780587370




Nash Scope Black Ops 10ft 3.5tc x3
Daiwa Castizm 25qda x 3 - boxes and spare spools
Nash Scope Black Ops 10ft Spod Rod
Daiwa Emblem 25a
Nash Scope 2 rod hold-all and two single sleeves

All in top condition

Status Live

Price £1,400.00 (Not Specified)

Condition Slightly Used

Shipping At Cost

Type Sale

Published 13 Apr 2021

Views 685


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Most of you know this but for those who are unsure...

If you pay by gift and there is a problem with the sale you will stuggle to get your money back.

If you do decide to gift money at the very least speak to the seller and obtain as many details as you can. If you haven't dealt with that person before I would still recommend that you don’t gift but pay as goods. The commission is 4%, at least you have piece of mind.

If the sellers telephone number is unobtainable or the person who picks the phone up doesn’t know what your talking about then you must start thinking the deal maybe dodgy.

If your still not sure about the user message or ring me ..... Alan ... on 07961 575 927.

Be Careful

Tackle-Trader is like any other classified/auction type platform whether its Loot, Adtrader, a fishing forum or even Ebay there are people out there looking to fleece you. You don't need me to tell you that.

If an item seems cheap, at the very least and before you commit to sending money you must ideally talk to the seller first to establish who they are and where they live.

We all love a bargain and there are genuine bargains to be had, just be careful. I have said before and we all know.... " If it seems to good to be true it probably is" so at the very least contact the seller in person and don't just rely on messages via the site.

I'm not against gift payments through paypal as I prefer it myself, however, if you are going to gift money only do it if you know the person and again at the very least have all there details, full name address home telephone number. If there is a problem its unlikely that you will get your money back without having to get the police involved or taking a civil action against the other party. The same applies to a bank transfer, you need all the persons details you can get. I CAN'T give out details unless its for the police because of the data protection act, so you need to obtain all the relevent information.


If any of you see any ad on here or receive any message that you think maybe a bit dodgey contact me. I will have a look at the user and check his details. I'm also willing to tell anybody the history of any user. The site is setup now so you can see how long a user has been a member and how many posts he has made. You can also view all his older posts regardless of thier status, ie sold, closed etc. Just click on there username to view these details.

If your'e still not sure about someone just contact me and I'll tell you thier history..

I will not give out any personal details (Data protection act) so please do not ask me.


Answering messages

Had a few members mention to me about users sending messages and not getting ant response from the recipient. I appreciate that sometimes some of us are very busy people. There is no rule that you have to respond to messages but please just bear in mind that someone has taken the trouble to message you so a response would be nice even if its a very short response like "No thanks" or "Not interested".

Sold Items

When items are sold can users either put sold on the ad or close the ad save people trying to buy something that's already gone. Thanks.

Hopefully the site will continue to grow as it has done for the last 20+ years. I have always considered that the Tackle-Trader community is very tight, long may that continue.

As always thanks for your support.


Reliable Descriptions Of Items For Sale.

Reliable Descriptions Of Items For Sale.


Please try and be as accurate as you can with describing your items for sale.

I don't get many complaints about this, very rarely will someone contact me with issues around inaccurate descriptions of stuff.

How I describe items.

Unused or New means exactly that.

Mint or in unused condition means used but as new condition

Excellent or slightly used means not in as new condition but near that.

Very Good is between above and below this.

Some wear or good is shows signs of wear but still fine.

Heavy wear or well used is exactly that

Poor to me is on its last legs.

Broken is exactly that.

Please be as honest as you can, you can always elaborate on your ad.

Problems logging on or registering on TT. How to leave feedback.

If you have problems logging on or registering on the site.

If you have any problems getting onto Tackle-Trader please contact me on

07701 054 538. I can reset your registration manually from my end if necessary.

How to leave feedback for someone.

Search on the users name with "all" selected on status and category.

Find the ad that has the item you bought and click on it. You can see here there is a facility to leave feedback for the seller, its titled "Have you bought this item?". You can leave the feedback from here.

I'm trying to set it up so I can also leave the feedback on your behalf just trying to get it put in place now.

Any problems contact me via here or by phone 07961 575 927